Anon E. Muss

Nobody's reading this anymore, but I feel compelled to mention that Christianity does not require abstention from the "sensual world." Monasticism is not a universal Christian practice, and we spent a long time struggling against Gnostic and Manichee notions of a strict matter-spirit dualism.

Precisely. I think the only Zeppelin lineup I would pay good money to see would be Jones, Page, Plant, and Dave Grohl on drums. He's the only current drummer that I think really has the same sort of punch that Bonzo did.

Not last.

John Bonham
Someone get a voodoo priest. This shizzle's goin' down. Zombie drummer, y'all.

My point is that, though Christianity considers homosexual behavior sinful, it leaves one without any ability to judge. Paul even says that we ought to consider ourselves the "chief of sinners." If a Christian decides to treat a homosexual badly, he is to that extent not acting Christianly. That's what I'm driving

First of all, Aloysius, make sure you get your evolutionary theory straight: we didn't come from apes, we share a common ancestor with modern apes.

Chuck Mangione. Also, Milli Vanilli.

Have you even seen this movie? I have a hard time believing that even L. Ron could write something that terrible.

I've never understood all the hate on Magic Potion. I always thought it was better than Thickfreakness, and Chulahoma remains one of my favorite albums/EPs. But, in all honesty, Rubber Factory is probably their most mature album, but I'll take Big Come Up or Chulahoma over it most of the time.

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

In general, he does tend to use the crewmen as flatter characters, but Barrett Bonden gets some decent fleshing-out later on, and Awkward Davies and Killick are amusing, if nothing else.

The difference being that country sucks. Honestly, music that black people came up with is the only kind I like. And the only kind I want to play.

As do I. Out of curiosity, is your name really a reference to the Goth warlord who sacked Rome?

That's right, horses eating each other! Read the Bible!

You pretty much can't listen to rock and roll, then. That's what the genre is.

Entirely unrelated, but I've always thought "Reaganomics" would make a good name for a band. Probably a punk band. It'd be all "ironic."

Personal opinion: we could use a few more "Judeo-Christian guilt-fests." They work better than "I'm okay, you're okay."

Bat mitzvahs are for girls. His bullfrog is a girl. Does that make it a cowfrog?

Damn you, internet! You didn't display the real first comment!

First. My first first, in fact.