Area Mannix

Yes, how dare anyone suggest the AV Club is getting Clickbait-y. Ludicrous notion.

Also, pretty sure it's been covered and it is not a significant group of people. This is not news. They're propping up a non-story for clicks. Definition of clickbait.

With clickbait

Oh hey look. An AV Clubber disagrees with me. It's been handled, hoss

I said a similar thing and got yelled at.

Sorry you disagree with me. Must be awful for you.

"Why are you so sweaty?"
"I was watching Cops."

Yes. This article was written to sell ads. I agree.

12 Monkeys is a fantastic remake.

I'm sure you're right and there's NO WAY this site is trying to exploit a controversy for clicks. A ludicrous suggestion on my part.


Arbitrary lists of opinion published as fact. The cornerstone of bullshit, clickbait publishing.

Coen's True Grit certainly up there.

Whatever that means. I don't like clickbait, friendo

So I'd best keep my opinions to myself!

Pretty sure this isn't a movie review.

The AV Club is getting two pieces of Ghostbusters clickbait today. Making America great!

He rushed out of the theatre urgent to complain to the internet about the movie his children loved. You know, like a good father does.

Whiny white boys are ruining Ghostbusters.

It's caled Ghostbusters and it's about cutesy ghosts