Area Mannix

Does anyone prefer cheeto dust to, uh… Cheese? What's better than cheese?

Not sure you're qualified, rando

Hey, I read your shitty comment and it was terrible. Wish I hadn't done that.

Great. What the fuck ever. Bully for you.

Well, I liked it a lot more than you did.

Damn! He was so great in so many things. What a horrible fuck of a year.

It is his best and that's pretty faint praise. I can see why people enjoy him. I just think he's mediocre and brutality is his gimmick. Like the human centipede creep

I agree.100%. Yeah. But he didn't make the movie. To be fair.

The career of Eli Roth is a puzzling thing. His best work is still that Thanksgiving trailer.

Nope. Heh. Not at all. Grow up. None of this is about you.

Dream cast

Nobody cares about your feelings. Shit is real now.

Wanting news coverage does not mean getting it. Look at poor O'Malley

Because he was a far less likely candidate.

I'm a Sanders supporter who also didn't read the article. BERNIE GOT MISTREATED NO MATTER WHAT THE DATA SAYS.

I'm surprised people still say 'is a thing.' Also, Buffy is better than you.

You should be a political advisor.

He was very helpful yesterday. Showed you can put your horror and outrage to good use through the magic of data. I was inspired by twitter. It was an odd feeling.

You're here defending guns in a sly, weasly way. How gross.
