Area Mannix

No one chooses to be called Geoff.

Exactly correct

Released into theaters.

It's a theatrical release. You can just go see it. Unless you are trapped under something heavy, in which case you may want to frame your comments more around the idea of you being trapped under heavy objects and the life saving services you feel may assist you.

Ike Perlmutter

God damn I loved Norma Bates. What a character.

The Timekeeper is probably the funniest new character since Tracy Reardon.

What clickbait do you clickbait? Clickbait, clickbait clickbait? NO: CLICKBAIT

I thought adult meant 'there's fuckin'. Weird.


What is the purpose of all this. How can I help you, unfriendly stranger? Maybe just fuck off.

Whatever lets you sleep at night, fuckhead.

Uh huh. Well, you failed to convince me that facebook is a 'liberal organization' and instead you just get angry that I'm not hearing it. You are bad at this.

You have a really hard time with people disagreeing with you. Time to go away now.

No one is required to defend links to red state. Sorry.

Oh, of course you're one of those. Good luck in life, asshole. Try not to be such an asshole all the time.

I call them ass I see them, asshole.

I don't see the purpose of this argument. Facebook is a liberal organization, that plots to control the dissemination of right-wing journalism (your argument), because it is staffed by what you state are demographically liberal people statistically. Same arguments were made at my field forever. And colleges. Smart

I didn't say anything about you being lazy. I said you were making a lazy argument. Your analysis of my tone is not useful.