fact robot

The box set actually comes with a little booklet about how terrible a therapist he is.

Yeah, but Lynch was cagey about how much of that would be treated as "real" in the show.


It's The Golden Girls. It's brilliant.

Sorry. I only got about three hours sleep early and was both unreasonable and cranky.

Dilton's shots, Waite. That was like half an episode earlier in the run: the shots were Dilton doing survivalist crap with his Boy Scouts, and he convinced Jughead and Betty not to tell anyone for information.

Let's not pretend that Clinton was a good candidate. Her campaign even acknowledged that she wasn't internally as far back as the primaries. That's why they adopted a strategy that signal boosted Trump. They thought he was weak and would make for an easy win. If you've read Shattered, it's obvious that the campaign

Even with the time thing- in the UK, you can be a target if you say a rude thing post-watershed if it's too early.

Actually no- in fact, YouGov talked about sample weighing specifically because Nate Silver publicly questioned their methodology.

I really admire his dedication to pettiness.

I guess that depends on how you interpret the phantom swings- and it's impossible to know for sure now.

Oh, you better believe he pays attention to stuff like this. That's why he hates CNN so much BUT STILL WATCHES IT.

You do poll, but you do it more than once and then look at how the bounces correct themselves. By comparing multiple polls over time- both prior to a scandal, in the wake of it, and after it's cooled off, you get an actual accurate picture. Something else you can do is weigh your sample based on the popular vote in

That's predicated on the idea that the polls actually measured voting intention. What I'm saying is, the long term analysis shows that they most likely did not.

Actually Comey probably had a minimal impact, if any. YouGov did a meta analysis near the end of the campaign and found that, for both candidates, scandals or "scandals" had minimal effect on voting intention or likelyhood of voting. They instead impacted willingness to talk to pollsters.

James Adomian

Read Game Change 2: Double Down, then read Shattered, and tell me which would make better TV.

Crime of the century from the musical Ragtime. You won't regret it.

Samantha Bee supports school segregation. She's a bad person. This is not complicated.

I posted this on the last one, but I think I was too late for anyone to notice.