
Yeah by the end of the episode, I was just dancing in my seat.

My friend saw them in DC a few months ago, and for that I am eternally jealous. It wasn't too long after Obama's inaugeration, so George would randomly shout "OBAMA!" and the croud would go wild. The concert started around 8 I think, and they played until 3 in the morning.

This is what I want you to do…
If you got faults, defects, or shortcomings, you know like arthritis, roomatism, or migrains. Whatever part of your body it is, I want you to lay it on your radio, let the vibes flow through. Funk not only moves, it can remove.

Oh the real JD was there too! I'm sad to see Scrubs go, one of my absolute favorites! I'm betting I'll shed a few tears during the finale tonight.

Got to visit the set.
I got to visit the set when I was in CA two summers ago. The first day we tried to visit (they apparently let people tour the set a lot, a very friendly bunch) they said they wouldn't do anymore tours so we decided to wait and try again the next day. But as we were leaving we saw this guy