
I'm surprised the list didn't include "The Version You've Never Seen" for The Exorcist.  I don't think any of the added scenes really helped the film (not even the spider walk scene).  The new ending with the priest and detective talking about films was weaker than the ending for the original version.

I would have added the director's cut for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".  I think it's the best paced and most polished of the three versions.

I would have added the director's cut for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".  I think it's the best paced and most polished of the three versions.

Why wasn't the extended cut for "The Abyss" mentioned?  Nearly everyone says this version is superior to the theatrical version.

Why wasn't the extended cut for "The Abyss" mentioned?  Nearly everyone says this version is superior to the theatrical version.

A.V. Club didn't ask him about his role as the ill-fated Windsor 114 flight pilot from "Die Hard 2".