
And by back it up I don't even mean prove that he took his pants off, I'm taking that for granted. I mean prove that it wasn't just a guy getting comfortable in his own dressing room, a guy who's maybe even so much not a sexist that he didn't even think that taking his pants off would be seen as weird, a guy wouldn't

It's not often I've accused Michael Buble of sexual harassment in a public forum. I would expect to have to back that up if I did.

I suppose it could be, but if I'm being honest, I'm not the biggest fan of my own gender, and I find it unlikely I would glorify them in that way. In my personal opinion, women are on average better people than men are. That doesn't change that these particular accusations of sexism appear largely unsubstantiated, and

Are the two of you married or something?

"I've listened to how my people talk to women long enough to know it's not bloody likely." Is the most overtly sexist statement on this entire page. (except for the princess one, that's fucked).

Yes, clearly all of these people felt like they were being marginalized because of their gender, and anyone can feel however they want. These aren't feelings though, they are public accusations. There are other people in each of these stories who are being vilified (by name even), perhaps undeservedly.

I would say only three of those really qualify as sexism. The comedy central, webster hall, and "princess" ones all obviously unqualified yes's. The other's though I think need context, and I can just as easily (if not more so) see the context being perfectly harmless as sexist.

I thought this guy had an at least vague idea of what he was talking about (albeit wrong) until he said 'Shiny Happy People' was R.E.M.'s poppiest, most fun song. Has he been alive for the past two decades? What of 'Losing My Religion', 'It's the End of the World', 'Superman', or 'Man on the Moon'? All of which would

What disappointed me about this episode is that usually the show manages to stay a step or two ahead of me in terms of the political maneuvering and I end up genuinely surprised by whatever turn of events screws over the Veep team in the end. In this episode however, as soon as they offered the $50 billion cut to the

The number seven crops up more than one tenth of the time, when rolling two dice seven is the likeliest outcome by a fairly significant margin, that's why it's considered lucky, it actually is. Of all of them, that's the one with the most sound reasoning behind it.