
If Osama had targeted the Playboy Mansion or LA, Maher would have supported invading the whole Middle East.

My phone has obviously never seen Charles in Charge.

These people are still blaming Bernie for the Queen's loss.

He has no economic libertarian beliefs.

He does not care about lefty violence because those evil Trumpers had it coming!

After he broke his pact with them.

No. They will just form larger groups and get better weapons then Antifa spoiled brats. You can't bully people into being liberals.

Ha ha. All of Bill Maher's Trump hating can't get liberals to overlook his Islam "bashing". Poor guy. Maybe he should have Scott Baio on.

Is this because I'm a lesbian?

His unwillingness to adopt a purely defensive strategy for the Confederacy certainly didn't help his side. It might not have won the Civil War, but it would have prolonged it and made it more costly for the Union.

Oh boy! Once this info gets out, socons will abandon him!
-Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton

Cue angry leftists calling you a Trump enabler.


More. Worf. Sex.

Its OK when my side does it!

Thanks Obama.

Tim Kazerinsky would have straight up stabbed someone if a celebrity had been brought in during his day!

Haven't you heard the old expression: What's good for the goose is horrific for the gander?

Aka the Rove Strategy.

Be nice. Its all they have.