
I keep telling ya, I'm not really a pilot!

I keep telling ya, I'm not really a pilot!

Point it at ED-209.

Point it at ED-209.

I knew a different guy by that name, and he was a total douche. True story.

I knew a different guy by that name, and he was a total douche. True story.

I lived in NY during 9/11 (still do) and as the towers were collapsing, I vividly remember thinking, "Everything is going to be different now. The world is going to be a much scarier place for a long, long time. That is until, god willing, an adorkable girl in a Fox sitcom brings me back from the brink, and allows me

I lived in NY during 9/11 (still do) and as the towers were collapsing, I vividly remember thinking, "Everything is going to be different now. The world is going to be a much scarier place for a long, long time. That is until, god willing, an adorkable girl in a Fox sitcom brings me back from the brink, and allows me

No. No, sir, it is not.

No. No, sir, it is not.

"… unlike certain Simpsons-indebted cartoon shows that are still currently airing…"

"… unlike certain Simpsons-indebted cartoon shows that are still currently airing…"

This is one of the most insane, bizarre sentences I have ever had the pleasure(?) of reading:

This is one of the most insane, bizarre sentences I have ever had the pleasure(?) of reading:

I definitely misread that as "ruin."

I definitely misread that as "ruin."

I believe the implication is that there were only two, Ruth took the first and Nate took the second.

I believe the implication is that there were only two, Ruth took the first and Nate took the second.

In the clip, he very obviously says "Gonna run out the clock in Florida, eh?" RABIIIIIIIIIN!!!!

In the clip, he very obviously says "Gonna run out the clock in Florida, eh?" RABIIIIIIIIIN!!!!