Toadal Douche

At long last, the closure we all sought in this case has finally come.

Cranky Cross is great, but he's no Diddy or Dixie Cross.

See also: Rob Corddry

Me too, and not just because he eats raw lettuce "bugs and all!".

Waffles? But, we've got cakes on the griddle!

The show usually starts around seven, they go on stage around nine.

: Ecclesiastic Bugaloo

Taint Your Wagon

*resumes japery*

A third, which I think qualifies for at least sainthood:

That Oprah interview is even better with Howard Stern's commentary:

I am familiar with the works of Pablo Neruda.

Yeah, a countless or extremely great number of myriads.

Eh, it's no great shakes, but the seed that the idea stems from resin-ates with me and my buds.

Jack The Bum: Proper Technique for Beginners

These are the days, people. These are the par-tee DAYS!

THIS IS BULLSHIT! @TheRealFartingGary

You pathetic, non-optimized human.

Cool! Thanks.