Lascivious Loser

48 Hours?  Great movie, all of the knock-offs (first two Lethal Weapon movies excepted) were shit.

I know someone who was afraid to go into their basement for some reason after seeing Jaws.

I know someone who was afraid to go into their basement for some reason after seeing Jaws.

Or any of the Sorkin write-ups.

Or any of the Sorkin write-ups.

"The Simpsons are going to Brazil!"
*is shot by internet firing squad*

"The Simpsons are going to Brazil!"
*is shot by internet firing squad*

Scratch that, the average snpp.com reaction to "Last Exit" would be "I found the interminable repetition of 'Lisa Needs Braces/Dental Plan' to be wearisome.  It defied credibility.  Is Homer dense?"

Scratch that, the average snpp.com reaction to "Last Exit" would be "I found the interminable repetition of 'Lisa Needs Braces/Dental Plan' to be wearisome.  It defied credibility.  Is Homer dense?"

Alan J. Rosenthal DDS next week:

Alan J. Rosenthal DDS next week:

The scene where Homer somehow screws up his "inner monologue" and freaks himself out is one of the greatest moments of the series.

The scene where Homer somehow screws up his "inner monologue" and freaks himself out is one of the greatest moments of the series.

Yes, that also had Burt Young doing his proto-mumblecore thing.  Why wasn't he included in the "famous mumbling performances" inventory a few weeks back? 

Yes, that also had Burt Young doing his proto-mumblecore thing.  Why wasn't he included in the "famous mumbling performances" inventory a few weeks back? 

"'You wanna make a haunted house picture in this town, you gotta come through me!' the house reportedly said while chomping on a house-sized cigar"

"'You wanna make a haunted house picture in this town, you gotta come through me!' the house reportedly said while chomping on a house-sized cigar"



Damn, looks like I conflated the episodes in my head.  14 year-old me would be very disappointed (of course 14 year-old me had strange priorities).