Lascivious Loser

The lifetime achievment award presentation had better include clips from Rush Hour 3.

The lifetime achievment award presentation had better include clips from Rush Hour 3.

I think NAMBLA is like three guys and a web page now.

I think NAMBLA is like three guys and a web page now.

"Polanski has been well-behaved since.  Brown continues to genuinely believe that he's a victim of 'haters'"

"Polanski has been well-behaved since.  Brown continues to genuinely believe that he's a victim of 'haters'"

I don't like Tosh, but I don't think he actually endorses rape, even though his response was WAY out of line.  I didn't mean to shit on him for responding to his heckler.  I just think it's odd that some other people think that the audience for this sort of thing is supposed to have the temperament of a child sitting

I don't like Tosh, but I don't think he actually endorses rape, even though his response was WAY out of line.  I didn't mean to shit on him for responding to his heckler.  I just think it's odd that some other people think that the audience for this sort of thing is supposed to have the temperament of a child sitting

There are many people here who seem to perceive this woman as the instigator, and while I get that it's not cool to disrupt the show for the other paying customers who are enjoying it, I think the implication that the only acceptable reponses to deliberately offensive stand-up are a} laughter or b} silent acceptance

There are many people here who seem to perceive this woman as the instigator, and while I get that it's not cool to disrupt the show for the other paying customers who are enjoying it, I think the implication that the only acceptable reponses to deliberately offensive stand-up are a} laughter or b} silent acceptance



George Carlin got arrested in the early 70's for doing his "Seven Dirty Words" routine, and his act only got better after that.

George Carlin got arrested in the early 70's for doing his "Seven Dirty Words" routine, and his act only got better after that.

"This (room) is for ladies."
"So's this, but every now and then I have to run some water through it."

"This (room) is for ladies."
"So's this, but every now and then I have to run some water through it."

Pretty much all of newswire is:

Pretty much all of newswire is:

Sounds suspiciously like an AVClubber.

Sounds suspiciously like an AVClubber.