Lascivious Loser

Worst single scene?  I'd say when Estelle comes on to the judge to soften him up, and the judge's reaction is "EWWW, this old lady is trying to be sexy," and that's the whole joke.  As lazy as Seinfeld has every been.

It was kind of funny when Jerry got booed during a set of "what's the deal with prison?" jokes.

The bus…is OUTTA control!

Exactly.  Every other character on the show is motivated by self-interest, almost 100 percent of the time.  Jerry and Elaine were nice people in the early seasons, but they became as psychotically self-serving as George as the series progressed.  Kramer is always trying to help people, although always in some

"I don't like all the "retard" and "cunt" and "whore" stuff people throw at Palin and her family"

Pretty much a guarantee with Eszterhas, not sure about his son.

"I will raisie the quaualty" deserves to be a catchphrase, at least for a couple of days.

I think that picture was taken in 1958.

Nazis think they're too good for Klansmen.

People who won't shut up about how cool Gob is are missing the point about the tragedies of Bluth family life.

People may disagree, but I think the gold standard (for good, not awfulness) is Robert Mitchum in The Friends of Eddie Coyle.

I thought it was Rob Lowe with warts.

*anguished scream*


I loved that movie.  There was time when critics took him semi-seriously, believe it or not.


Season 1 had a slow, allusive quality that I was amazed to see in a television show.  I loved it, but I'm not sure I would get so much out of it watching the show out of order.

I agree, and I'm probably trivializing the show by putting the characters into "pro" and "anti" camps, but I've read many comments defending Pete for seemingly being the only one pulling his weight at the office (of course, this was last season).

Where are all the Pete defenders?  I thought we had some on this site.  I'm not one of them, but I almost pitied him by the end of this episode.

"Cup of what?"