
Toss in Supercollider, The Butcher, and The Daily Mail and it'd be one of my favorite albums of the year.

It does kind of seem like people forgot about a lot of music released before June or July.

Except for PJ Harvey. Seriously?

There really needs to be some kind of justification given for how Britney Spears ends up here and Dawes and PJ Harvey do not. Does anybody think people will even be aware of Britney Spears 2011 album in even 10 years?

I mean, it might be true, but Halo was released in November of 2001 and the original BF, Battlefield 1942, came out less than a year later in September of 2002.

You make a compelling argument.

Well, IS HE?!

I kind of like Gigantic for a closer song. Subject matter might be a bit inappropriate, I suppose.

I'm actually a Virginian, but whatever.

Don't have heart? Were we watching the same Stanley Cup Finals this year? What about the last four games of the 2004 ALCS?

EDIT: Screwed up with the new comments, please disregard.

For the sake of the discussion, at what point are convicted criminals not actually guilty enough to be executed? The state never executes people who haven't been convicted of a crime, so what's the standard here?

Then you're a fan of the death penalty. If you're for it sometimes, you're for it.

Thick McRunfast

Also, in relation to how it effects Thom Yorke, I've always assumed the song is in specific reference to the fact that myxomatosis was introduced to the rabbit population in Australia intentionally to devastate it. That seems to be pretty standard as far as things-that-might-unsettle-Thom-Yorke go.