
I have noticed a lot of Lynch fanboyism going on and it's pretty obnoxious, but I don't think that accounts for everybody. As I mentioned, pretentious art film style bullshit like this usually just makes me roll my eyes and walk away, but something about this really engaged me (okay I may have skipped through the

My only real problem with it is like the whole "the atomic bomb is the human race going too far and doing something truly irreversible and unleashing an unknown evil" thing has been done to death in tons of works of fiction

stupid hobos don't know nothin!

spoiler: you wont make any sense of it

Come on, it wasn't that bad

maybe you're a plane

The thing about that is, the "purple place" that Coop was in in ep 3 was very clearly the same place The Giant and the old timey lady were in in this episode. It would be weird for them to be occupying the same uh… building when the Giant watches that creature on his magic theater viewer. Unless like that thing

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Evil spirits don't need a reason to crush heads dude

We're through the looking glass, people

I told you not to eat all those estrogen pills with dinner

The timeline on that was pretty unclear. All we know is it was a reaction from The Giant watching this episode of Twin Peaks on his home theater projector.

But the frogbug is clearly evil and gets in to the girl because the dark hobo sends people to sleep with his radio interference. That was like the only straightforward part of the episode and people are screwing it up.

I watch it on… uh…

Oh yeah

These Black Lodge spirits operate through electromagnetic fields or something, so I think he had to get close enough to the truck's field so the tracking could be transferred to the truck or some shit I have no fucking idea.

who the hell is Philip

what those three nonsensical icons on his phone screen didn't explain it to you?

that's how I saw it

I didn't say it was copied