
How fast did you get through the whole series? Very fast right? I binged it last year and I finished it in a little more than a week. was really bummed when it was over…so naturally I watched it again.

367 points! Not bad, I don't even remember what shows I picked.

"I probably don’t want to make every review 1500 words like this one is. "

I want to start it so bad but then I look at the number of episodes.

Yeah true although then Birdman really ought to have one

Then they should do a spoiler space for every movie. I imagine say a GOTG spoiler section would have brought a lot of clicks. They used to have a lot of spoiler spaces before the redesign.

Is it just me or are these spoiler spaces incredibly random? I mean yeah you got the big ones like this and Gone Girl but The Heart Machine? Before I Go to sleep? What could possibly make those movies more important to have spoiler spaces than Whiplash, Birdman, Nightcrawler, etc? It doesn't even make sense from

We don't need shows to be perfect out of the gate but they at least don't have to be near unwatchable (which this episode was)

Robert Downey Jr. He is a fucking cool dude

Who do you guys think should be the new bsg writer? It seems like there is no one left and i really want classic reviews to go on

I don't know why you picked the shield here because the shield and ahs/soa are on completely opposite ends of the drama quality spectrum

I actually think it's worse than Black Market. and the next episode, A Day in the Life, sucks also.

I was wondering that too. I was under that impression, guess the writers forgot/ignored what they wrote, something they did a lot in the second half of the series

that's such a great read. I remember in the spoiler section there was this whole arugment about whether amy was represented as an every woman but I think this piece nails it.

Linda Holmes:

"But I've seen a couple of articles now examining this movie's take on men and women and marriage and relationships and other real life shit as if it's some remotely realistic shit. I have no idea what movie they watched."

The movie is not misogynist and I'm kinda sick of hearing about it.

Totally in character. But it was a silly scene and we didn't need it at all.

you would expect her to get angry or something but seeing her just staring at the screen with the same expression just makes it all more chilling

I was still impressed with Gotham because it went up against TBBT and Voice. But yeah I see both being about the same later.