Andy Griffith of Borg

By claiming that EW hasn't been good for the past 10 years did you just coyly admit to reading it for 10 years? It's not terrible for what it sets out to do and it can be nice to flip through when bored. Probably my favorite sections are the editorials (by Stephen King, etc.) and the Bullseye.

All this "small band" conjecture neglects the fact that nobody is probably seeding your music anyway.

I loved the series when I was a kid. Unfortunately, the CGI in the trailer looks pretty terrible. Time will tell. Also, I have a vague sense that the trailer should be set to "I'm on a Boat", though I'm not sure what to make of that.

For whatever reason this Lesbian Apache thing made me think of the 30 rock finale:

I think the Maximum Carnage series could be great in a movie form. Granted, it would mean another Spiderman movie - and a rather family-unfriendly sort at that. Still, if they could pull it off without a bunch of origin stories for all the characters it could be stellar. Venom and Carnage were always two of my

This sounds suspiciously like the episode of Six Feet Under where David gets kidnapped, driven around, smokes crack, gets soaked in gas and then fellates a pistol.

To be honest, yelling "Codpiece! Codpiece!" at a Siegfried and Roy show sounds more awesome than douchebaggy. Or maybe I'm a douchebag. It's unclear at this point.

Kristen Johnston as the Riddler!

I was just thinking that I don't hear "ya'll don't know me!" enough on a day-to-day basis.

Country Cox is a delicious, buttery margarine spread made from the vat of synthetic oils Courteney immerses herself in nightly in an effort to remain young.

Ahhh, red snappa. Verrrrrrry tasty!

Those were the days, before assimilation.

True Lies is one of my favorites. The scene with Arnold using the recorded Frenchman's lines and Jamie Lee Curtis trying to do a striptease? Classic. Killers looks like the unwitting-spy movie but without any of the heart/camp that made True Lies such an awesome movie.

I'm still hoping for a surprise from Brazil this year. Robinho!

I would liken it to giving a newly elected president a Nobel Peace Prize during his first year in office!

I don't like to just hate an actor across the board without giving them a chance, but Hayden Christensen brings a level of annoying petulance to every role he's in that makes his presence almost an instant 'no' for me. Take for instance in Life as a House where he was a goth high-school kid (and somehow got nominated

It's Brother Cadfael! What wickedness with hemlock and nightshade will ensue?

Seeing Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio mouth "Robin!" during the Bryan Adams music video gets me every time.