
I'd rather have the sugar. I don't like the flavor of sucralose (the main sweetener in Coke Zero), and aspartame (the main sweetener in Diet Coke) really messes with my brain. And regular HFCS Coke has lately developed a slight chemical taste. Yes, I'm a soda snob.

The military pays for it if you get transferred to/from Hawaii.

If you're in the military, they will cover the cost of shipping your car to and from Hawaii. And the value of the car is not always in the same ballpark as the amount you can reasonably sell it for.

I was listening to Seventh Son of a Seventh Son by Iron Maiden the other day. I always forget how good this record is.

I went for a little mini-hike after work yesterday, on a trail I found by browsing Google Maps. The trail follows a creek, but it is discontinuous, so sometimes you have to walk along the road, and sometimes you have to bushwhack or make your way through the dry-ish creek bed. Anyway, I saw wild boars! Not the large

This is very important. He would find himself compelled by mysterious forces to fuck these girls. As if he were possessed, or sleepwalking, or blacked out. He might not even find her attractive; wouldn't make a difference.

Article content aside, that's still how most people make it, even in Texas.

As an email developer, I completely agree.

No offense, but you're a bad teacher.

They're also dumping Outlook Express and screensaver functionality. I'm hoping one day they'll give up on Outlook, Powerpoint, and Word as well.

Not to mention the laws that regulate how many trees there are on the Iron Islands.

Jon and Bran and Sansa aren't the same either, and it's not clear if she has enough self-realization to fathom this yet.

I'll stand for the book. I thought it was really dumb for the first 20%, then thought it was cute and clever for the next 45%, and then really hoped these crazy kids would make it through okay for the last 35%. I felt affection for it after finishing. It's not awesome, but it's earnest. I feel like there's a

Begun, The Ready Player One Backlash Has

I think we should go back to having presidents with graduate degrees in something besides theater.

I don't know about the exclusivity, but that's definitely a huge draw for me. Her best songs sound like they're written by, about, and for hardcore day drinkers. And because her previous work was so steeped in that perspective, it's hard to tell if she would be any good without it. I'm willing to take the chance,

Tyene is still alive. This show likes good girls, but it needs the bad pussy for at least one more episode.

Too bad all the Boltons are gone. They could have flayed that grayscale off a lot quicker than Sam.

Yes, and it's virtually impossible for me to rationalize. But there was quite clearly a time when it was so easy to rationalize that all societies practiced it.

I'm trying to imagine an endgame for this show. Like, a final shootout that will make me somewhat satisfied that I'm not going to see these characters on screen again. It sorta seems like they might be headed toward a Constitution signing, a document that explicitly intertwines humanism and rights with the principles