yo que se

They are so easy to look forward to. I wish Katherine Parkinson was in more things - I was so stoked when she appeared in Inside no. 9.

Maybe they love Canada? Another one that has worked well so far is Zenmate.

Was that username-related?
It's a nice episode. It made me all emotional for no reason at all, besides the fact that it's the LAST EPISODE OF THE IT CROWD IN THE HISTORY OF EVER.

That's weird - MediaHint was my go-to Americanizing tool, but now it requires and account, and it's not free anymore; there's a 7 day trial period, but that's it.

It's funny to see that there are people out there who have actually waited months and months and months to watch this episode - just because it had not gotten an official release yet. It's kind of admirable.

It's odd that there's a review for this utterly supplementary book, yet there isn't one for When Did You See Her Last. I was kind of looking forward to that one.

That sounds a little bit clingy, or like he didn't trust you. I don't think I would be able to deal with that.

That was probably sarcasm, but it's pretty accurate.

I like Daniel Handler so much. He's great. So was The Basic Eight.
Being a lonely, sad, teenage girl is good. I'm not mopey over being single on Valentine's Day, because I'm ALWAYS SINGLE.

I get what you mean. You are right: we don't know if he did it or not. It's just that the letter doesn't do anything to convince me that he didn't do it, and it doesn't cast him in a good light, I think.

That letter was so… unconvincing. It makes him look kind of vicious and pathetic.

I just can't take him (or this feature, for that matter) seriously.

You know, this guy seems like kind of a douchebag. It's hard out there for teenage girls.