wild world of sporks

That title just makes me want to die.

I met Lil Bub at the Tribeca Film Festival last year. She is tiny and amazing.

He wasn't in Llewyn Davis very long, but his character was amazing, especially when he threatens to put a Santeria curse on the main character.

Depp and George Clooney are a lot alike, in that they're both very good actors who are content to essentially play themselves in every role.

American Horror Story was a total fucking slog by the end of this past season, to the point where I'm 75% sure I'm not even going to bother with it anymore (especially since Ryan Murphy pretty much said they were going to continue with the campy aspect).

The final episode was definitely the weakest one. That being said, I did enjoy Papa Morehouse inexplicably dressed like Liberace in Heaven. Also, every time Michael Sheen's character opened his mouth to speak it was hilarious to me (I also liked when Devon mentioned that he had died "and nobody really noticed").

In all seriousness, given how much he put into every role, I'm surprised Hoffman didn't actually learn how to play the violin before filming began.

Man, Phil really is in a better place, isn't he?

The most important question to consider is "How long do you feel like waiting in line?"

Yeah, you don't need to give your stepdaughter and wife matching jewelry. I'm not sure how many kids would have much use for a diamond necklace they probably wouldn't be trusted to wear outside the house anyway. If you really want to impress a kid, buy them a Nintendo DS or something.

I think they look more like butts.

Jim never vomits at home.

404 Error: Jokes Not Found

I honestly cannot believe they're going through with this.

There is a special place in Hell for everyone involved in this, and everyone who watches it. Doesn't matter why they're watching it. Hell. Roasting. With pokers up their asses.

They really need to rethink that title.

It wasn't nearly the wacky "what happens when a tough NYC cop meets an even tougher drag queen!" comedy the trailer makes it look. Just one example of Hollywood's incessant need to market movies as poorly as possible.

Yeah, Hoffman's character was really more the "voice of reason," but the film chose to portray him as a villain, who eventually comes around to the idea that treating cancer patients by walking around in spaghetti in front of them is more effective than medication.

I ask this out of genuine curiosity: has a comedy album ever gotten anything below a C+ rating here?

I'd rather not see it, because it's probably great and would leave me wanting more. I'm already missing what he still could have had ahead of him.