wild world of sporks


Well, the US has Tim & Eric, so we don't have much room to talk when it comes to off-putting comedy.

In your defense, The World's End was pretty amazeballs.

I think it was less to make the audience try to care about LaLaurie and more to emphasize Queenie's turn to yet another potential nemesis for the coven, though I'm unclear about how she even wound up in Marie Lavoe's shop in the first place.

Ahem. I would be perfectly happy watching a show entirely about Misty Day.

The inconsistency is starting to bug me (not that I should expect consistency from AHS anyway). Here's something that occurred to me: how did Nan not know that Fiona killed Madison? Isn't she supposed to be able to read people's thoughts? Why is Cordelia's husband wasting so much time killing random witches, when he

let's go with C+

No, god, no. They need to never have another sex scene on this show again.


What the hell happened to Patti Lupone's character? She was only in the one episode, wasn't she? That seems to have been some odd, random stunt casting.

I cannot get over how truly terrible the sex scenes on this show are. It's like they're aggressively unsexy.

I appreciate that he made sure to clarify that he is in fact Daniel Day-Lewis's son before demanding that no one hold that against him. And also his suggesting that anyone would hold his being Daniel Day-Lewis's son against him in the first place.

$65 for leggings? The fuck outta here.

Between various Belushis and Kaufmans I've really had enough of dead relative coattail riders.

Oh good lord, no.