
lol wtf r u saying

lol the US was a shithole long before that

6 months ago. The joke was that the clip was filmed last summer before the allegations blew up, so it wouldn't be playing off the glowering, grey-stubble version of Cosby we've been seeing the last few months.



Gonna go ahead and assume no Kid Dynamite either.


It guarantees male orgasm!

This is a bizarre statement. There's nothing cold or robotic about the show at all. It's dark as hell verging on nihilistic, but it's raw and messy and undeniably human.

Shit like this makes me want to Take Pills.

I only remember the "Enema Bag Jones" line from that movie, but that one alone justifies its existence.

My year is now complete.

No, its all a lie. Mad Magazine invented Summer Camp in 1963 just for the purposes of a Dave Berg "Lighter side of…" segment and it just kind of took off from there.

Yeah, I love the fact that this guy can take his music in so many directions while still sounding distinctly like himself. Its like his sound is just a manifestation of his subconsciousness.

The series of EPs he's done since Untrue (Street Halo, Kindred, and Truant/Rough Sleeper) is pretty much flawless. I'm not as big on his FourTet/ Thom Yorke collabs but they're worth checking out too.

This EP threw me off at first as it's a bit of a departure from his other stuff, but it definitely holds up a year later. Cant help but get my hopes up for another year end slab of awesome from this guy.

I always thought of the Speed Racer movie as a Mario Kart adaptation.

Exactly. Such an asinine statement. Not to mention the fact that we don't have the statute of limitations that the victims are currently being forced to dance around.

I'd throw Gremlins 2 onto that list as well, although the original is still pretty awesome.

Surely Aesop Rock has used that word before, right? I mean, he's used every single other one.