
The very pants you were returning?!

Yeah, but to understand that, he'd have to actually read and comprehend both the article and the comment he's replying to. It's a lot to ask, really.

We fear change.

Wow, just looked him up and apparently he's contributed to A.V. Club, too. Wrote the album review for Deathheaven - Sunbather.

"No, I didnt call you a SHLITZ."

Never mind, I finally understood that sentence the fifth time I tried to read it.

Ummm… Django Reinhardt? Django Unchained?

No shit. Everyone seems to have decided that Trebek is a humourless dick and take everything he does as evidence of that. I'm pretty sure it's because they suck at Jepoardy.

Add an egg, couple minutes on the grill; baby, you got a french toast goin'!

More like out your alley!

And it was goddamned magnificent.

Then the last bite gets good again when all the absurdist flavours have collected at the bottom.

New Lexicon is such an incredible album.

Nope, just dont give a shit.

I thought Conan O'Brien was growing the beard back.

Man, Bob Cock was awesome. One time I emailed him a link to some batshit Christian fundamentalist website and he said he'd write it up in the next weeks' column. Then the article came out and was just him bitching about how Les had asked him to not talk so much shit about Korn and Limp Bizkit since they had to tour

Isn't that a bit in Patton Oswalt's newest special?

Do you really need to ask?

And did so without referring to anyone's "feels".

Um…a banjo is a type of snare drum, right?