
Well since most kids only listen to shitty low bitrate mp3s, playing them on a good stereo reveals how awful they actually sound, while everything sounds equally terrible through laptop speakers

Yeah, the "metrosexuality" of the movie, and the contrast with the content, is really what makes it. It'd be a fairly unremarkable movie otherwise.

Don't mind him. He's a bag of crap.

It was cool, but I thought it would have worked so much better with Troy as Calvin and Abed as Hobbes.

The Return of the Curse of the Creature's Ghost


This is ripe for parody!This is ripe!

They're trying to raise money to hire someone to fill in the far left side of their group photos.

Looks like Disqus felt bad for me and changed back. Shit, if Disqus pities me I must be uncool.

Hell, his name check in Yonkers got me to start watching the show


This fucking sucks. This was the first day I could actually comment from work since I created my account a few weeks back. I was gonna be all cool and witty and make internet friends but I guess I should have known external forces would intervene to prevent me from being uncharacteristically social.


fat motherfucker now look who’s in trouble

To be fair, I would put any of the Maritime provinces higher on the Metaphorical Grim Death Index, but I grew up in Victoria and that place ACTUALLY is filled with grim death, you just cant smell it cuz of the flowers.

Ah, I've been waiting to jump into one of these. I've been hitting up different ryes lately and Alberta Premium Dark Horse has taken up a spot at the top of my list. Rich flavour and 90 proof. Relatively inexpensive too, considering the quality. Big fan of their Alberta Springs as well, but the Dark Horse is on

Eh, io9 is by far the least terrible of all the sites but they still have annoying habits like sensationalist headlines and really shiity top 10 lists. The weakest AV Club Inventory holds up a million times better than most of their lists.

That's the point. The mic WAS live.

Suddenly playing with yourself is a scholarly pursuit?

Besides them being the 3rd result when you google "live", with a sidebar linking to the search results specifically for the band. But yeah, Throwing Copper was the shit at the time. If they hadn't gone all Hari Krishna on later albums they'd be remembered more fondly.