
Now to wait for the accompanying tweet from Best Buy Best Buy about The Serial Serial.

Windows 8? No thanks! I've got another way to get 100 albums!

And like most (pagan) legends, they demand sacrifice!

That is to say it exists in all our hearts!

I know how to find FXX! It exists in my DVR under "The League" and that one weekend where I watched a ton of early Simpsons episodes!

Zwan was awesome!

Uh, I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular album.

I would think the cat would be long dead by now, probably from lack of Curry brand cat food.

Wait, what?

Welp, I'll be getting fired for attempting to watch the Adventures of Pete and Pete today.

Oh come on! This thing isn't an actually a real movie, is it? It exists only in teaser quotes. At some point, all the actors who have been claiming it's finished will just stare awkwardly at people when asked about it, hoping they'll be left alone.
*Has mental breakdown*