Emily Bregz

Once they stopped being "Mighty Morphin", they stopped being rad.
And I always liked Jason best.

Just as I'm finishing the episode, the write-up is posted.
It's gonna be a good day.

That brief glimpse of Tim Gunn romping around with a puppy absolutely made my night.

Nice catch on the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reference.

Cool story, bro.
I liked the twist ending where you basically admit that you only posted a comment for the sake of posting a comment.

SVH was lame compared to the Unicorn Club! One time they made a love potion for a school fair. Awesome.

Who taught your principal English?

Road trips
My family was BIG on road trips.
We took them most summers of my life (the longest was probably St Louis to Vancouver) and my parents went through a phase of taking us to Branson most weekends in the year.

Oh Good.
I am glad that people are willing to re-evaluate their feelings on Dane Cook these days.
I was a HUGE fan during his "Retaliation" days, and when his subsequent stuff was sub-par, understandably he lost a lot of his audience, including myself.
Ugh, and I even saw Employee of the Month in the theater.
But I have

Bad, Oliver! Bad!
Don't you yell at Dee Caspary! That man is a Newsie!

I think she has more to her than just money. No amount of money can buy you a spot on Project Runway, you have to earn that.

Stella is a great show to reference conversationally. Even if no one else recognizes the line, it will (hopefully) amuse somebody and then you'll know that person has a good sense of humor.

That Thing You Do!
Honestly, that song is in my top five songs EVER.
I cannot help but smile when I hear it.