Andre the Midget

Oh the Possibilities: Of course I'm not "shit[ting] on a movie solely on the basis of it having a crappy trailer." As I indicated, my early opinion of whether the movie's worth seeing is also based on Robert Downey's reputation. And I'm still going to check out the reviews. My main point was how irritating the trailer

Norse God… I have to disagree with you there. What's most depressing to me IS that advertisers pander to our base desires. And that crappy art is made under pressure from those same advertisers. Sorry if I'm misinterpreting you, but your last sentence just strikes me as resignation to unrelenting mediocrity. Yes,

Ain't it the truth, Rockford… and now the 60th Avenue woods, where I found my mildewed Hustlers, have been developed as a suburban subdivision.

@banmar: did you know that when theu first wrote the song, the line "like a drifter I was born to walk alone" was "like a HOBO I was born to walk alone"? I think they should have left the original line — mediocrity would have been redeemed by a little bit of adorable dumbness…

Speaking of records of postings… do we now have documentary proof that The Lone Audience of the Apocalypse is actually TomWaits for Snowman? Sorry if I haven't been paying enough attention…

Karatloz… listen to reason!

@Himself: THAT's the scene! The second one. The movie's packed with hilarious, ridiculous scenes — but every time I see that movie-within-a-movie, or even think about it, I just turn into this cackling retard. First, the ineptly dubbed-in deep voice. Then, while James Brolin and Morgan Fairchild are delivering their

I'd like to go to that
but first I need to get a plane ticket to New York.

Plus, when you add "heave" to "cleavage", the first thing that comes to my mind is "heaving bosom". So it doesn't masculinize it at all!

I DON'T get it. Am I supposed to move "Get Married" underneath "Have a Baby" before or after I move "Have a Baby" above "Fall in Love"? 'Cause that would put "Get Married" above "Fall it Love". Wouldn't it?

"…doesn't come across all HARSH…"

I have to weigh in on Moulin Rouge. You know… I hope this doesn't come across all hash, but… ok, first, I do NOT condone genocide. Or totalitarianism, or slavery. Not OK, in my book. However, I just wish Baz Luhrman had considered one of those things as an alternative to making Moulin Rouge, because ANY of those three

So. Diddy.

Comedy is so completely subjective, especially the comedy in Will Ferrell movies. I don't blame AV Club for omitting his movies, because one man's gut-busting hilarity is another man's (or more often, one woman's) unwatchable shit that insults the intelligence. I LOVE those movies (my ranking, not that it matters:

"80% of viewers were women, and another 50% under 20 years old…."
With 130% of its viewers in one or both or its target demographics, no wonder it's made so much money.

I want SO MUCH to believe you, Nathan! *sobs*

That's where you're wrong. If he wants to record a song that'll get noticed by me, a typical American music consumer with an attention span of three seconds, he's going to have to take melisma lessons from Mariah Carey. And/or fake sounthern accent lessons from Trey Parker.

Sinatra had nothing but contempt for country & western music. He'd have had you kneecapped for that comparision.

Jesus! I love the title "Butt-Numb-A-Thon", but that sounds like "Butt-Atrophy-A-Thon".

Are you sure it was the left one and not the right one? I have nipple dyslexia sometimes, but when I do I just ask myself, "Tara Reid (left) or Janet Jackson (right)?"