Buck Mulligan

While we're at it…

College Dropout
Late Registration

Older crowd who grew up on his music?!?!? How old are you, and how do you define "middle aged"???

I'm assuming you've never listened to Yeezus - there's absolutely nothing middle class/middle aged/white about it.

upvoted for lack of username/comment synergy

Okay, so here's the thing - MTV decided to give him an award to honor his career. That's a really nice thing to do!

Yeezy taught me! West 2020!

This is way too much to deal with for a Monday morning

Hey it's not that hard to reject the "gee, that Kanye guy is so full of himself" narrative. You should try it! There's lots of really great, inventive, and fun music to be enjoyed once you get over his weirdly perceived persona

Pretty sure that's what Kanye was trying to do with his speech, but it unfortunately didn't work

Check out the sweet book it comes with before you commit yourself to the digital download. The packaging is beautiful, too

BREAKING: Fan theory posits that white actors with dark hair look similar

I preordered Super Mario Maker on Amazon for the sole purpose that I want it real real real bad, and I want it ASAP

You're no longer welcome in this house, Internet. Now get out of my goddamn sight

Yeah I mean it's a near-flawless pop song. Maybe the most Weezer song that Weezer ever made

I'm partial to Death and Destruction - the guitars sound so huge and crunchy

It's by far the most Kafkaesque cartoon I've seen


Now let's get it all in perspective - for all y'all enjoyment, a song y'all can step with!