Buck Mulligan

I always appreciated the ways that they characterized Robin as a disciplined soldier of Bat Man (yet still a kid at times). I appreciated the fact that he was always disguised and never revealed his identity - even when out of his Robin costume

Surprised to see the X-Men Evolution mention. Was that show actually good? I remember seeing promos for it as a kid and being completely uninterested in it

It's a really honest representation of what would happen to a person when the person he is so wholly in love with falls into a coma. There would be a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of pleading/begging. It just makes sense on a very human level, and I think that's what makes the episode work so well

Each character he plays has been a weirdo in his own right, and Gyllenhaal brings his uncomfortable intensity to a character that probably doesn't deserve it - and it surprisingly works. It's an interesting mess of a movie, and if you take the emotional beats as camp and not as melodrama it can be a fun watch

Definitely not worth the ticket price. You'd have to really love Gyllenhaal to forgive the movie of its flaws. It's a great performance, but the only way to really watch this movie is with a remote in your hand to fast-forward through the crap

SPOILER (I guess?) - she dies about 20 minutes into the film, so it's understandable - yet still not necessary - that they show the death. And Jake had been on such a hot streak of late, I was half-expecting him to fall into a clunker at some point.

The Hoppy shit was just embarrassing. The script was such a mess - not a single emotional moment was earned. It dawned on me during the final fight that there were absolutely no stakes and nothing hinging on Billy's victory. They didn't even play up the revenge angle! Once he signed that contract for the fight,

Tail'er?!?!? I HARDLY KNOW HER!

I loved that ending moment with Amethyst with the 4th wall breaking nod that the episode was finally able to end on a joke

I still can't abide by the fact that a person with even a cursory knowledge of his output could call him a "terrible" rapper. It's one thing to say "I dislike the style of his rapping" and a completely other thing to call him outright "terrible." Whom are you even comparing him against? He is significantly more

I get the feeling lots of y'all are passing judgement on Kanye despite a very limited knowledge of his output

*Ignites the AVClub "COMMENTERS WHO OCCASIONALLY DEFEND KANYE WEST" signal and stares off into the distance, grimacing with a begrudged, yet satisfying, sense of duty*

Not only is it hilarious but it's so incredibly on-the-nose for how people in politics act. I work in politics and Christ some people are just the biggest dicks about their small amounts of power

How'd you know?!!?

It's easy to rag on that guy for not giving a shit about his job, but here I am, farting around on the internet at work and not caring about my job in the slightest

What about in dog years?

More like "More-Dick-Guy" am I right?~?!

What about guys like RDJ and Vince Vaughn who have similar personas and successful careers? I'm sure several others fit the mold

His career has been so poorly managed, it's kind of incredible. For such a charismatic and handsome slab of beefcake, it's a wonder that he hasn't been able to carry a decent movie on his own

And Pharrell essentially said the same thing 10+ years ago, so it's a pretty weird thing to get so worked up about