Buck Mulligan

Somewhere, Giantbomb's Jeff Gerstmann is nodding vigorously in approval

Need to keep this line in mind next time I have friends over my place and they stay past 10:30 PM

"Or yo' momma!" is one of the most Bender lines of the series, and you could tell how much fun DiMaggio is having in his reading of the line

Sounds like someone went and made "Not Another Indie Movie" but skipped right over the part where it's supposed to be playing these tropes and quirks for laughs

Needs more neckercheifs

I feel like there's a better way of saying this, but what I'm curious about is whether developers are making an effort to make their games enjoyable for both an active (players) and passive (spectators) audiences, as a result of the rising popularity of YouTube "Let's Play"ers and fan content as a marketing tool

Do you consider YouTube "Let's Play"s during the design process? How has this trend affected your game throughout the development process?

How has your perception of your audience changed over the last five years, and how has this perception impacted your approach to design?

Looks like they also Andrew W.K.ified the Joker by about 33%

It would have been really hard to swallow a cut to black & roll credits with the lingering screams of a child. Plus it had already been done with Sansa's rape - at this point they'd have been stepping on their own toes structurally. I think that ending with Dany was really the only other option here. They could

I was convinced as soon as we saw where Jorah's spear landed that Hizdahr had a hand in it. Seemed like the show had been positioning him as a villain for some time (plus he really reminds me of Jafar from Aladdin)

Especially the part where Dany slid down Drogon's tail like Fred Flintstone

The Force is strong with this one

This is great if you really love it when one thing as actually a combination of two different things

Great job, things!

Aquaman: Tokyo Driftwood

I don't count good

The Route of All Evil - while not great - does have my No. 1 Favorite Ever Futurama Joke:

Turtles HATE him!

That Sean. He's such an E! Or is he a Turtle? All I know is he's definitely not a Vince.