Buck Mulligan

Pony t.p.: art. Y?

You could've told me you made half of those names up, and I would've believed you. I unfortunately know better…

Oh jeez. The character design for "Max" looks laughably bad. Such a stale and stereotypical action game protagoinst

It's definitely wise to let Goldeneye live in your memories rather than attempting to replay it. The gameplay is rough, and it's ugly as sin (like most N64 games)

Quit your complain¥

My heart still weeps for that Mannie Fresh collab.

Pretty amazing how Rosario Dawson can be so absurdly beautiful even in dumb 90s graphics

Now You Three Me: In 3D

Was delighted to see that it's getting a second season… something I honestly thought would never happen (though the Christmas special was encouraging)

You dumb, stupid, weak, pathetic, white… white guilt… milquetoast piece of television binging garbage

What do we all want in life? Money? Fame? Women? Well this guy right here (*unveils drawing of chihuaha*), there's only one thing he wants. There's only one thing he "quiero"s. He "quiero"s Taco Bell.

Was very disappointed to see that exactly 0 members of G-Unit were involved in the making of a video titled "Stunts 101"

I've always really loved the character design (can you even really call it that) - the twinkling was a really smart way of making a disembodied voice compelling and interesting

Billy West's constantly hilarious pronunciation of "sandwich" is honestly my favorite part about this episode

Reviews? Reviews?!?! You're not looking at the big picture!!

Oh jeez that was bad. The critiques boil down to "the starring actresses are too pretty" and "the movie looks to nice." What strange gripes to have

From the article: "Listen up, idiots, he clearly went on to create the Taco Bell chihuahua and the Pizza Bagels jingle. You're a dumb, stupid shitbird if you think he would write that coke commercial"

Glad the multi-colored zebra mascot of Fruit Stripe gum is finally getting his day

Maybe it's not a parody, and it's actually Prince? Because I can see Prince actually saying most of the things posted there