
Casting this actor as Dr. Chilton was a masterstroke for this show. This is a role that is naturally unsympathetic, which could easily become tedious very quickly. This guy is balancing it brilliantly and carrying it forward refreshingly, and I actually look forward to seeing a lot of him over time.

"We should feel revulsion."

I am still struggling with Ronald D. Moore's involvement with this debacle. I was taking pleasure in knowing the professional flak he would take for lending his name to this scary joke. But it looks like the lesson he will learn is that the crappy parts of BSG, minus the brilliance, equals easy renewal.

She's even better than that. Only the parts of the brain that control "common sense" and "relationship expectations" are empty. The rest of the brain is pure genius, and she plays with powerful sonic weapons as a hobby.

It's all yours, ElDan. It appears that my version above was flagged and deleted.

Agreed that the shelf-life for the status quo is limited, but the "blow-up" can be rather intricate and gradual, lasting the rest of the season. I expect the "bumping off" to be very powerful.

Why exactly is it insane to want a latex David Hasselhoff?

Congratulations, Verde. Out of over 300 posts on the most brilliantly offensive thread of the day (and possibly the week), this is the only one for which I wish we still had active downvoting.

It's a shame. I still have my Slate umbrella from being a "founding contributor" in the late 90s. It was truly the best spot on the Internet for thoughtful commentary until the blogoshpere took hold during the early Iraq war years. Slate is where I got to know Michael Lewis, James Surowiecki, Paul Krugman, Tim Noah,

Yes, they are reprising the common chorus of "if Rush had said this, everyone would have a meltdown."

This far down into comments and no mention of the "obvious" Ned Stark? I suppose that Game of Thrones is exempt from this sort of thing, and a list of 16 would be filled entirely with GoT characters by the end of its run.

Fair enough. I should have phrased it as "I am struggling to fathom why anyone would be watching anything on TV other than Hannibal."

I watch every episode, and can't fully explain it either. I suppose it is the idea, criticized above, that there is no over-arching narrative beyond "survival." The lack of connection with the characters is OK because it is the "mindset" that matters. There is no "plot" in real life, and far less "connection" than we

I am struggling to fathom why anyone would not be watching Hannibal.

Yes, "better…stronger…faster" was the coolest drama opening of its time.

I am liking this. I now envision "Aunt Helen" working with "Uncle Eddie" Kessler.

She was Julia Sagorsky! I did not make that connection, but you are correct that she was great on Boardwalk Empire. If only they could manage to work Richard Harrow into this as a KGB sniper!

The current government is trying to balance a lot of domestic forces that are really irreconcilable. If they can pull through short of Egypt-style breakdown, that is huge. The fact that their economy is many times the size of Egypt's (or Tunisia's) is what makes it so significant.

Obviously, all three countries are very different, and Turkey is super-complicated, which is why this particular case of "cracking down" is very interesting. Their example is significant.

Does anyone else look at that Alfred pose and hear a ringtone of "Bad Day?"