
No, no, Colin Hanks will not be joining this cast. Nobody from that other show will be involved with this in any way. The police here may seem "slow" at times, but this is not Miami.

He countered Ms. Bloom's objection to his change in defense strategy quite well: "It's not just reasonable, it's fashionable!"

How did Will get from the "visitor cage" for talking with Alana to a private interview room with a nice table and hand-holding? A nice far cry from the close of the last episode, with Bedelia du Maurier being hauled away for breaching the white perimeter line.

That kid is D.W. from Arthur! Not the BBC "Camelot" Arthur, or the Russell Brand Arthur, but the real PBS Kids Arthur!

…unless the the entire planet gets infected because of him.

"Spoilery," maybe, as "spoiler" is generally understood, but for me it completely enhances the experience and doesn't diminish my enjoyment of watching each episode unfold. I've never understood how understanding the parameters of the plot "spoils" the enjoyment of the presentation.

I don't want to miss a single thing, but understand your eagerness completely. If this were a Netflix series, it would be impossible for me not to drop everything and do a 13-hour binge. These "Walkthroughs" are wonderful yet exasperating!

"I can feed the caterpillar. I can whisper to the chrysalis. But what emerges is truly its own thing,”

"This is something that he (Lecter) has done before."

It was the house of the court bailiff that had custody of the evidence. He was manipulated into holding the knife for his killer to use on him.

I can't believe that it was Jack Crawford, yet…how did he manage to keep his distance and not blink when that apartment exploded?

Fuller is "unfamiliar" with the legal drama genre, yet managed to introduce the coolest TV defense lawyer since Alan Shore, capable of delivering Saul Goodman-caliber deadpan lines such as "I think I opened your mail," or "It's not just reasonable, it's fashionable!"

Watch your mouth.

Is he allowed to say "bollocks" on NBC? It's not like Americans understand English anyway.

1000 Gold Dragons to the man who finds the hidden light saber.

Ce [expurgé] a été signalé pour la modération.

This [redacted] has been flagged for moderation.

Oh, and he would also surely claim that variations of "shit" are his intellectual property and promptly sue anyone trying to capitalize on his "sheeeeit."

I actually dreamed a scene combining the styles of Hannibal with that very Simpsons scene. As a former close "friend" sits on the plate, a surreal vision with "But Dr. Lecter, I thought you lo-o-o-ved me?"

He may think he's a big shit, but he'll never never be the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch.