
I'm actually not a huge fan of the Fugees, and I think that Lauryn Hill basically saved that group. They were at the exact point where their music was going to be appreciated by the world at large. But you're out here talking about things you have absolutely no idea about, and your feelings got hurt because I called

"after the band you were in had exactly one hit album—mainly on the strength of a cover and the otherworldly beauty of your singer—is perfectly impressive"
This is like saying Dr Dre was a failure in the 90s because he only had one solo hit album. The Score dropped like a bomb on hiphop and changed the face of it;

Was I the only one who felt disappointed with the finale? So many shoehorned in moments (Cary talking about his Kerry issues IN FRONT OF CLARK? "Guess we have to work together now"), some moments that were seemingly just there to show that David is still having issues (repeating "you don't have to be afraid" over and

This may entirely be a product of my age, but I just don't find myself caring about too many games nowadays; I'm looking forward to Shadow of War, but I'm mostly buying indies, remasters, and slightly older games that have gotten their prices slashed. It's partially map game fatigue, but it's been a LONG time since

Rubicon was fucking terrible. Dragon Ball Z's plot progressed faster than Rubicon

Man, you're doing better than me. I'm pretty happy to get past the third boss, but I have yet to get past the 4th Chamber, and it's WEIGHING on me. Also, I'm debating deleting and reloading it so I can avoid unlocking some of the worst guns (Corsair, Sling, Origuni, etc) AND take advantage of the easier difficulty at

Enter The Gungeon YET AGAIN will be taking up most of my time, though I'm going to wrap up the DLC for Shadow of Mordor too.
If you're not playing Gungeon , you're missing out on some top notch roguelike action. I wish it was possible to have an OP run once in a while, but it's a game that has completely hooked

I would not have noticed that it's perforated metal on the sides and, like, granite on the top of the letters without that shoutout. What the fuck is that supposed to be??? Thanks designers!

I've been seeing notifications that Bob's Burgers is leaving Netflix on April 1 as well. Is anyone else getting that?

I work in brand marketing and have dealt with selling our product to be used as private label; you would truly be amazed at how few people think that's the case.
Beyond that, you'd think that would actually show up in an article that's supposed to talk about the key to Kirkland PL success

The fuck? This blurb omits what is EASILY the most important part: THEY PAY OTHER COMPANIES FOR STOCK. Sure, their markups are way lower than what the branded stuff costs, but people wouldn't buy their whiskey if it was rotgut; Kirkland Bourbon, for example, is widely assumed to be Jim Beam Black overstock

I dig the art, but it's like a weird combination of Steve Dillon and the GI Joe cartoon

Fuck Jimmy Fallon forever

I'm guessing no one picks this, but A Question Mark stands as an angry counterpoint to a lot of his melancholic tracks, and it feels like the flipside to being depressed. It's what I identify most with being depressed, so it's my pick.

"But does the film say anything that 40 years of anti-war pictures haven’t already, or does it just say it louder and with monsters?"
I'm struggling with why this is a relevant question. Doesn't it make sense to release new anti-war movies, considering the average filmgoer isn't actively seeking out, say, Apocalypse

I AND my pants interior are suddenly excited for this show

I just got Spawn Origins Vol 1 as part of the Image Humble Bundle. When McFarlane talks about how he came up with the character when he was in high school, well . . . let's just say you can tell

Journey is the first game that caused me to ugly cry, with lots of snorting and and my lower lip all folded and creased. What a beautiful implementation

It's really a great game. I enjoy the hell out of it, even though some runs just . . . REALLY . . . test my patience

The extent of their persistence is that you can unlock merchants who show up at your starting screen. They in turn can UNLOCK specific items, but you don't get to start with them, which has an upper limit of usefulness. And you can supposedly get shortcuts to later stages, but they can't be that useful since you need