
wavelength aint so bad. natalia is a great song.

^ wrong. sorry, just wrong. nothing against gaslight anthem, but tom gabel wins that one.

i was a pretty big fan of this show during the 1st season, back when i had hbo. it eventually dragged on, but there's something pretty great about sitting in on someone's therapy session. and the acting is excellent.

i was a pretty big fan of this show during the 1st season, back when i had hbo. it eventually dragged on, but there's something pretty great about sitting in on someone's therapy session. and the acting is excellent.

i love you, dr. zaius.

@zoopo +1

i saw it as changing water into wine. you know, like jesus.

@scotteb because he knew sayid was turning? just a guess.

I agree! Still don't get it.

Fat Man
What does Jonah Hill have to do with this?

maybe he actually doesn't want to leave the island, that was just another lie to kill everyone on the island to live on it by himself and his cronies. similar to Mother.

i guess no one read @American Honey's post up there. best point i've seen here yet: The Woman is also The Smoke.

Schindler's List
great movie. i will never see it again, hopefully.

we still know that he can cross that water though, i believe. been saying this for a while, but in season 5, while not locke is on hydra island being all not dead and stuff, sun and frank are moving into dharmaville, and they hear the smoke and christian appears. whats the deal?

^ +1