
Yea, I liked that moment when he's finally amped himself up to get into the crawlspace and the cool, determined music starts playing, like it's Marc egging himself on, but, once his gardener's voice cries his name and lets him off the hook, the music starts playing backwards and rewinding itself. "Mildly surreal" is a

Thanks for making it to the third paragraph!

You're right, @runasone:disqus.  I misread the first line in the lhote piece as a byline. My bad.

Yea, I do realize that I come across as the asshole who gets it and is patronizingly explaining.  I don't want to tell people "why you think this is funny" but I can see how it would come across like that, and in that case, "presumptuous cock" would fit the bill.  Mostly, I was trying to describe the line of thinking

I think you make some great points @abp_brendan:disqus . It is more complicated then "Hey, don't laugh at this guy, you racist!"  Aiesha Harris sort of sidesteps the inherent entertainment value in Ramsey in the article I linked to and I join you in thinking he's awesome for a lot of reasons, including truly liking

I think it comes from the instinct to laugh at how funny he speaks and acts first and then acknowledge his act of heroism later, or not at all.  As @avclub-ed6e070d438d08154534df0b8a8ca293:disqus points out above, the emphasis here doesn't feel like it’s on what he did but how he frames it (and Isn't it funny when the

Here's another article on the subject by the same author.

SPOILER - I didn't really like the way Mercutio became one of the spirits that couldn't leave the Island and that those spirits turned out to be the "Whispers". One of the clunkier "answer reveals" for S6.

"They're such beautiful shirts,"  she sobbed.

Yea, I don't really get the snippy "In Baz-world, there’s nothing illogical about mixing Jay-Z with F. Scott Fitzgerald’s cynical portrait of Jazz Age values." from the review.

Probably even Penn, too.  Zach tells a funny story about driving around South Dakota with Penn while filming Into The Wild on WTF

Yea, I wonder what it was about saying, "Come on down!" and posting the address to their offices he didn't like?

I wish I could get to Chicago for this, but I'll just Chalk that up to Tuff luck.

Remember when the "indie" in indie-rock meant something?

Hey Modell, don't you hate pants?!?

Way to bring it full-circle @avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus !

Yea, Williams Street has been putting out great music for years.  Both Volumes of Chrome Children hold up pretty well (I'd say Vol. 1 > Vol. 2) The CD version of Vol. 1 I have came with a DVD of a SXSW show they put on with J Rocc, Percee P, Madlib, MF DOOM and others, which is pretty good.  Here's some highlights:

Wonder Showzen is too controversial and too awesome for the AV Club.

I hadn't realized that MST3K did it in the early days, @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus !  They've got some highlights on youtube:

Yea, sort of; the ants mysteriously start evolving rapidly and begin to threaten humankind, so a group of scientists set out to stop them.  A film professor I had in college showed us his VHS copy (this was early 2000's), which added to the overall experience.