
Reno, Reno, Reno, Honey. Reno, Reno, Reno.

Thirteen Days is a surprisingly good movie. It even gets you coming away thinking Adlai Stevenson was a badass!

@joshacid37:disqus , yea I guess that's not such a bad track record and I didn't mean it to be a slam on Spielberg.
I was just a bit surprised when I read somewhere recently that he has never directed someone to an Academy Award win and, when I thought about it, I could only think of a few nominations. And, you're

Walken does an awesome job of giving a guy who's a real sad sack that spark of personality and charm. But as charming as he is, he really nails those more down moments when he just wants something bigger and better for his son.

I think the score is great throughout.  It's got a cool 60's, snappy jazz vibe - way different from what I typically think of when I think "John Williams score".

Plus Ellen Pompeo as the "Are you my Deadhead?" stewardess and Amy Acker as one of the girls in the phony stewardess program!

Does that guy want to hear me tell a Knock, Knock joke?

Arg, I should've concurred! Why didn't I concur?

Noel rep'd for Isn't Anything when he wrote up the Creation catalog re-masters that came out last year.

Good call @avclub-d2930e152f4f74f71551fd76952e5526:disqus

Looks like My Bloody Valentine has put it up on their official band channel, if you still want to sample…

I saw your take on Twitter and the 3 three-song-suites idea is good critic'n; it really helped me as a means of wrapping my head around m b v.

There was a point where I definitely detected some shambling guitars.

That boy needs therapy…

Not being quite sure what Modell was referring to, I googled "Flange" and it tells me that it's internet slang for "undesirable vagina".

Yea, this kind of anticipation is usually the kiss of death for this stuff.

He wasn't consistently promising that it was going to come out and released plenty of other projects in the interim, but Brian Wilson released Smile 37 years after starting the project.

I'm going to agree that on the first few listens, this does sound great! It's that weird feeling of surprise mixed with surprise that I'm surprised that it sounds so good - why shouldn't it!?! It seems like it will be a grower too.

Have you not farted in 20 years @avclub-7f720bbf75ca938c6adcb570530a0ce4:disqus ?