
Yea, it requires a bit of groundwork on the Cold War and that specific era (what's Sputnik and why was it important?) to fully appreciate it.  I would think that adults from any era would get the dynamics at play but for a kid I think there are a lot of subtle little references and era signifiers that would go over

I hear what your saying (although they do have All About My Mother, Raise the Red Lantern, Close Up, Hoop Dreams, and Chunking Express and Seven and The Matrix have main characters who are African American) but what would you have liked to see?

I hear what your saying (although they do have All About My Mother, Raise the Red Lantern, Close Up, Hoop Dreams, and Chunking Express and Seven and The Matrix have main characters who are African American) but what would you have liked to see?

I watched Sixth Sense this week for the first time in years and, even after I've devalued M. Night about as far as he can go, I thought it still works great.  I think it would've been deserving of a place on this list.

I watched Sixth Sense this week for the first time in years and, even after I've devalued M. Night about as far as he can go, I thought it still works great.  I think it would've been deserving of a place on this list.

I totally agree with you, @avclub-6aca1a1659edc2d96cabe628f44d0f7e:disqus , that The Iron Giant is glaringly missing from this list, but, just because I love this quote, I'll throw in Brad Bird's two cents from the  Incredibles DVD:

I totally agree with you, @avclub-6aca1a1659edc2d96cabe628f44d0f7e:disqus , that The Iron Giant is glaringly missing from this list, but, just because I love this quote, I'll throw in Brad Bird's two cents from the  Incredibles DVD:

It's hard to turn it around after you start publicly dictating your own nicknames.  I blame Puffy.

It's hard to turn it around after you start publicly dictating your own nicknames.  I blame Puffy.

@avclub-b0f269bbf285123d33365ec575f24d63:disqus , it's gotta be up there for most misunderstood or most underrated of the 90's.  The gap between it's reputation and reception at the time and how well it achieves it's intentions is wider than most other movies of the decade.  Maybe that justifies it's inclusion?

@avclub-b0f269bbf285123d33365ec575f24d63:disqus , it's gotta be up there for most misunderstood or most underrated of the 90's.  The gap between it's reputation and reception at the time and how well it achieves it's intentions is wider than most other movies of the decade.  Maybe that justifies it's inclusion?

In my view @avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus , Hopkins, Foster and Lopez all hit the mark of what they need to do for their roles and their films; they are just really different marks.  What's a better movie: Fritz Lang's M or North by Northwest?

In my view @avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus , Hopkins, Foster and Lopez all hit the mark of what they need to do for their roles and their films; they are just really different marks.  What's a better movie: Fritz Lang's M or North by Northwest?

Yea, but they call them…"shakes".

Yea, but they call them…"shakes".

COMEDY: Office Space.

COMEDY: Office Space.

Shawshank is so overrated, that now it's underrated.

Shawshank is so overrated, that now it's underrated.

If it helps, think of it as a Duane Allman song.