
I can't stand him, he is so pretentious.

I think it's worth your time as a Netfilx viewing.  Rabin should give it MYOF entry - I don't think its quite a Secret Success but there is enough interesting, funny or batshit stuff going on to recommend a viewing.  Definitely more Fiasco than Failure.

It's sleepy time in the Western world.

Hmm…what if Mario is right?  Let's all say something nice about Slater!  I'll start:

Too bad Hall & Oates was such a let down - I think that some of the episodes of www.livefromdarylshouse.com are pretty great (Cromeo, Nick Lowe, Sharon Jones, Booker T.)  I guess it is Oates that fucks things up?

It's when he says, "That's when I looked in the mirror and told myself…it's time to start swimming away from pie…"

As a Seattle-ite who recently moved abroad, missing Bumbershoot is kicking off one of my first legit bouts of home-sickness.

I thought we'd see that too, but you could make a mini-Inventory of this
with just Ween songs - Mononucleosis, The HIV Song, Spinal Meningitis
(Got Me Down), Pink Eye (On My Leg), Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My

And the winner is…corn dog!  Meh.  I guess a Minutemen rational is as good as any.

Nailed it @avclub-e1f76e0d08180575ad02f3be86611976:disqus

I think they are picking a winner right around now.  The Matablog implied that the contest would tie in to The Jicks gig at Amoeba in L.A. on Tuesday.