Sexual Choc'late!

"I heard that all India has are steers and queers!  WHICH ONE ARE YOU BOY?!?!"  -Rimmer to Android Ghandi just before a battle in which all the androids are destroyed, but Rimmer is left without a scratch

I'm sure the writers and the network WANT IT to be that kind of show… I'm saying, IMHO, that I'm not convinced yet that they're up to the task based on what I've seen so far.  And while I'll grant you we haven't seen much yet, I've seen my fair share of shows that do season-series story arcs… well told ones, and not

I'm sure the writers and the network WANT IT to be that kind of show… I'm saying, IMHO, that I'm not convinced yet that they're up to the task based on what I've seen so far.  And while I'll grant you we haven't seen much yet, I've seen my fair share of shows that do season-series story arcs… well told ones, and not

This thread is funnier than most of NBC's new sitcoms.

This thread is funnier than most of NBC's new sitcoms.

That's a fair assertion, but my counterpoint would be that it's the
writers fault that I don't have enough information yet.  Why not a two
hour pilot instead of one to give us more back-story.  They could have
either addressed the current political situation a bit more, OR made the
loyalty of most of Chaplin's crew to

That's a fair assertion, but my counterpoint would be that it's the
writers fault that I don't have enough information yet.  Why not a two
hour pilot instead of one to give us more back-story.  They could have
either addressed the current political situation a bit more, OR made the
loyalty of most of Chaplin's crew to

That just brings up a new question… why would they set up the guy with the fancy-shmancy new super sub?  :D

That just brings up a new question… why would they set up the guy with the fancy-shmancy new super sub?  :D

Still havin' a problem with the premise… if the President or some gov't faction was planning on attacking Pakistan under the guise of a fake first-strike against one of our subs, shouldn't they have made sure that the sub captain was in on it, or at least communicated the nuclear strike through the primary alert line

Still havin' a problem with the premise… if the President or some gov't faction was planning on attacking Pakistan under the guise of a fake first-strike against one of our subs, shouldn't they have made sure that the sub captain was in on it, or at least communicated the nuclear strike through the primary alert line

Here's an article recently done by Jason Whitlock from Fox Sports about the "Scared-Straghtedness" of BROKE

Here's an article recently done by Jason Whitlock from Fox Sports about the "Scared-Straghtedness" of BROKE

In that case they may have to go SCARED STRAIGHT on these guys… bringing in all the guys that blew there fortunes.  Maybe also the guys that invested wisely (and some of the guys they hired to invest for them).

In that case they may have to go SCARED STRAIGHT on these guys… bringing in all the guys that blew there fortunes.  Maybe also the guys that invested wisely (and some of the guys they hired to invest for them).

Maybe a DVD/Blu-Ray release of this episode will include additional footage that goes deeper into some of these guys stories.  One would imagine that the players were allowed to talk at length, even if much of that didn't make the on-air cut.

Maybe a DVD/Blu-Ray release of this episode will include additional footage that goes deeper into some of these guys stories.  One would imagine that the players were allowed to talk at length, even if much of that didn't make the on-air cut.

"Premise: Lincoln."

"Premise: Lincoln."

I second that emotion.  Funniest line delivery of the night.  Had to rewatch it a couple of times.