That Cynical Ass

I'm surprised they didn't get Uwe Boll to do it.

Phew, that was a close call. AV Club, you are officially allowed to continue the Daily Buzzkills as they are now lazerguided-approved.

THIS. IS. SPARTAf a complete breakfast!

I prefer to think of myself as a death row pardon that was two minutes too late.

That's actually not ironic. It is, however, the definition of coincidental.

It's a good thing I hate children
because those 8 just have absolutely no chance.

El Oh El
That bitch is whack. I'm going to go watch Real World/Road Rules Challenge 19 to learn how to further communicate with my fellow fo' shizzles.

Only half of America is in the double digit IQ crowd? That's an outright criminal underestimation.