Col. Roy Campbell

Raiden, a poem for your mission:


I like the way this guy thinks
Honestly, Raiden, think about it. Total control of information is something we all hope to achieve. We pride ourselves on our horded knowledge. We viciously protect the secrets of our past. Information controls our lives and if we control that, we control the world.

Snake, that was a pretty big boner! Cover it up and get back to the mission.

Do you read me?
Hey, Snake, it's that dog.

It's a toss-up, Snake…
…Between "She Sells Sanctuary" and "Krautrock."

Don't get sloppy out there, Snake. Remember that you're out there alone. Sure Otacon is there but he's a pansy that's literally invisible when you need him the most. You can't afford to make any mistakes. Remember your training, get it together, and see what's happening.

You're both stupid. Cut the transmission.

Sorry, Raiden, but I'm in the dark here too. I'll try and find out what I can but until then just do you job.

What a terrible read.
I just want you to know that this has been an awful reading experience for me and my crew of millions. I hope there is a way to delete past articles because I've been going through the archives and I need space for more memory. This will be the first to go and I hope it begets a new trend of

I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about my daughter that way.

Death Race
Actually I was the one who provided the bad moviegoing experience to somebody else. I just couldn't stand this movie, Snake. It played out like some bizarro-Mario Kart shit-fest. The theater wasn't too crowded so I thought I was safe in thinking out loud how terrible this movie was. I was shushed

I mean "lay off." I shouldn't do these late-night missions anymore.

Law off Andy Capp. He's a good man.

The Fonze
Looking of the data again I think it was something Jim knew would distract Michael from asking any questions about who was there. Jim had the reasoning that any pop culture reference, especially one extremely played out, would work on him.

While Akira is a great film it is hardly what I would call a "gateway" into anime. Otacon told me to go see it and I had no idea what the hell was going on plot-wise during those last scenes. I'd steer clear of his recommendations, Snake, and start with a less heady brew.

Crank 3: Full Metal Crank

My intel indicates that the following movie-based games are actually good:

Listen to this douchey Rob. I get all the intel I need from him.

I've seen better skating in a mini-game.
This is just pathetic.