Bertolt Blech

Besides the prequels, I thought she was horrible in Closer (tinny little voice, seemed way too sheltered for a teenage stripper, generally trying too hard) and Brothers (again, playing a blue-collar soldier's wife was too much of a stretch, and the caked-on Hollywood makeup didn't help). Also awful in V for Vendetta.

I saw Unknown and instantly forgot most of it. Then watched some Party Down season 2 and Taxi Driver on AMC.

Don't do it. There's not enough punching, nor should there be, given his character is a scientist. He appears to remember he's an action star pretty late in the film.

What about New England's Darkest Day, back in the early 1800s? I think that deserves a movie.

I knew Just Go With It would win the weekend after I saw it at a practically sold-out Saturday night show, and the entire audience convulsed at every gag. Not only did they laugh, but they repeated the dialogue to their friends beside them. Even throwaway references to "frenemies" and "the interweb" were cause for

No one's actually gonna read this, but I'm from Vermont. Bernie is perfectly sane. He's simply a wily old grand-standing socialist who's managed to gain the affection of both urban lefties and crusty old farmers. How? He's down to earth, he's got convincing populist rhetoric, and he's anti-gun control.

In the U.S., actors seem to be split between the Stallone-like action heroes who don't express much emotion (and appeal mainly to guys) and the wimpy, introspective, emotional types. In the U.K., there's more blending of the two.

If this movie takes place in a so-called "supercave," it will benefit from 3-D, because they contain lots of vast, breathtaking, cathedral-like spaces (along with sumps where water hits the roof and divers can only progress with the aid of rebreathers). There are some amazing photos in a book that came out last year

All this is why I cancelled cable. Until I wanted to watch the Olympics and the Oscars. Last time I looked, it was still hard or illegal to stream those big events. More important, my computer chair isn't a couch.

In My Little Eye, the participants chose to be on the show. SPOILER SPOILER: They just didn't bother to learn the show's true premise (because they were fame-seeking idiots).

Re: The Truman Show, I think Scott is implying that it's also a satire of reality TV (nonviolent voyeurism more akin to The Real World), but it's less tuned in to the reality of reality TV than Series 7 is.

I thought the problem she had with him was that she was never as in love with him as he was with her. That's why the (500) Days of Summer comparison works. She probably shouldn't have married him… but there were other factors involved.

I'll tell you who's seeing it in droves: retirees.

It went out to awards voters. This being an old-fashioned epic prestige pic, I'm guessing the marketers gave up when it received no nominations from the Hollywood Foreign Press, etc. Still, I'm kind of surprised. Given the lack of buzz, I expected it to be terrible, and it's a respectable enough low-key survival tale

I interviewed the researcher who spoke to the competing Long Walker (Glinski). This old guy's son basically called her out of the blue, from London, and told her his dad was the person who really took the walk. He had supposedly kept quiet all these years because he was scared of Rawicz, the book's author, who he

The Year of Living Dangerously was my favorite movie at 14. I fear it may not have aged well. But the landscapes are unquestionably beautifully filmed (as they are in The Way Back). I still remember scenes like a girl ominously removing leaves from a pool. And the Mel/Sigourney thing was pretty sizzling. Once I'd seen

It was ALMOST worth it for the couple-makes-out-while-fondling-each-other's-bloody-guts scene.

I wonder about this. I have geek-guy tastes and hate modern chick flicks (and I know what I'm talking about, because I have to see them, including both SatC movies). I'd rather watch a Hostel sequel or a shitty SF movie than a new Katherine Heigl. Is this because I live like a computer-bound workaholic hermit, unlike

I saw The Dilemma. It was horrendous. Spent most of the time considering it as a future MYOF entry and picking out scenes for Nathan to post as examples of occasional so-bad-it's-good absurdity.