Bertolt Blech

They're running commercials for this with some very positive blurbs, and for a second I was terrified it was actually the rare acclaimed rom com and I might be forced to see it, when everything about it looks awful. The Metacritic score was a relief.

I thought the film made its points and made them often and basically banged me over the head with them. The Internet is for people who can't really connect! It's lonely at the top! Zuckerberg won 500 million friends and lost his only real friend! Blogs are for pathetic, angry people who unleash their bile in dark

The Whole Wide World was good. Thought I was the only one who saw it.

The girl in The Last Exorcism was really creepy and the best part of the movie, but she's probably too old to qualify for "creepy little girl status" (the actress is in her twenties, I think).

Wasn't The Black Hole a huge, notorious flop, just like the first Star Trek movie? Or maybe Starlog magazine had some other reason for utter contempt of it, like it was aimed at small children.

It hasn't been released here yet. Which could be indicative of the enthusiasm that greeted it outside East Bumfuck, where I live.

So, for those who have seen it: Is this the Sorkin of Studio 60 (which is the only Sorkin I know, and I hate his preachy ass) and the Fincher of Benjamin Button? Based on the reviews, I can only hope not.

Don't know if anyone's still reading these comments, but wow. Shit. I just finished reading the book. It has to be one of the greatest, most frustrating literary follies ever committed.

"Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin," prominently featured in the trailer, is my no. 1 reason not to see the movie.

I met this guy in about 1982 when I took a summer acting class at a local college. I was 13 and freaked out by these NYC actors and directors they'd imported. He was the kind of director who would ask embarrassing questions in an effort to get you to reveal more of yourself as an actor. I got asked if I knew what a

Sure, feminism was already around, but I too can see Peggy very self-consciously NOT becoming a feminist. Just from observing my mom's generation, I would say some of the toughest pioneering career women were most leery of the label. Not that they'd refuse it utterly, but they were very skeptical of the whole

Sometimes when you stab a curtain you impale an old talky civilian dude. That Dane ended up pretty badass, actually.

I have to decide between reviewing a rather slight indie movie called Cairo Time (which I believe received a B here) and this film. (And Legendary, but I never really considered that.) I think Nathan just gave me the go-ahead to choose the Resident Evil flick.

I thought it was the R rating, because whenever I see these crappy movies there are a lot of grandma types who avoid stuff with cussing but think Jennifer Aniston is oh-so cute. I'm sure they think the same about Drew Barrymore, but not if she's throwing f-bombs.

My mom read me the first and third books when I was ten (she's a weird mom). I never reread them on my own, but there's bizarre stuff I still remember — Leto's killer tooth, the couple who could read volumes of eloquent prose just from each other's body language, the tigers trained just to kill red-headed twins. Not

I don't understand why so many women consider him fuckable — he ain't no Clive Owen — but when I see him in something like The Men Who Stare at Goats, I have to like him. Shitty movie, hilarious performance. I enjoy him when he's parodying some vain, fatuous idiot, but never want to see him playing it straight (i.e.,

There are human crossword-puzzle writers. It's a freelance gig. All About Steve was a small-town-newspaper fantasy, among other interesting things.

I think some people, when they have to sit through a movie or movies every single week and render an opinion in a public forum, stop being able to appreciate the pleasures of trash, or they become weirdly exacting connoisseurs of trash. For one thing, it's hard to sound smart when you're basically just saying this was

I just finished this today. It's too funny to be misery porn, as I define that. Too English, in short.

Our high school teacher showed us Night and Fog, the doc with real footage taken by the guys who ran the concentration camps. In one scene you see a barrel of severed human heads, and part of the class burst out laughing. The teacher was horrified and lectured us on our inhumanity. But I think it was the sheer