
Boom, Boom Out Goes The Light.

I'd get the Rust Never Sleeps typeface on my right shoulder or the Big Star logo on my right shoulder.

I think that's why I hate them. Also, the music leaves me cold.

If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Dave Marsh, I would shoot Dave Marsh twice.

I assume he just never came back to Greendale after he ran off in Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts.

That song is amazing, especially the guitar at the beginning.

Or if he incorporated folk tunes and hymns from New England into the melody of one the songs.

Cool, I might have to check this out. I'm taking a post-tonal analysis course right now, so this might be right up my alley.

What most interests me about this album is hearing the influence of Charles Ives on it. Barnes mentioned him in an interview a couple months back on Pitchfork.

I moved from Indiana to Brooklyn for grad school last August and watching Parks makes me feel better when I start feeling homesick. I was so happy when I realized that Leslie went to my alma mater, IU.

The backlash seems to centered on her being manufactured and trying to court an indie audience. I think the reaction would be slightly different if she was more in the vein of Ke$ha or Katy Perry. I'm not a fan of her music and find how transparently artificial she is annoying, but I don't think she deserves the level

I look forward to the Skrillex remix of 4'33"

*pushes on bridge of glasses*
It's actually Bernard Shakey.

I hope he brings the Horse on tour.

I saw Neil Young in Chicago this past May, on the night I graduated from college. I got to the show later than expected (I drove from Bloomington, IN) and missed the opening act; Bert Jansch. I was sad when he passed away a couple months later because I missed my chance to see him.

Let It Be or Tim.

Let It Be was the soundtrack to the second semester of my freshman year of college. The 'Mats are so damn good.

Check out Hüsker Dü and The Replacements. They're part of my holy trinity of 80s college rock, along with R.E.M.

You're totally right. Thanks for the tip.

I'll second that. "Anthology" is a great collection of songs.