
I don't know how Trudy would destroy him, but, she said it with such menace I have no doubt she'd find a way.
I work in a retirement home and I've had a conversation with a resident who said she couldn't believe her daughter left her husband because he cheated.  She said she should have given him a second chance, but,

The summary for episode 4 or 5 says "Jaime is judged".  The previews have shown him screaming.  I have no doubt he'll lose his hand.
I don't think there going to be a group of foreigners lead by someone with a speech program.  But Vargo Hoat was cast and they're carrying Bolton's flag.  I doubt it'll be changed that

I think Jimmy was very attracted to Fiona and like the idea of dating her because he saw himself as a white knight saving her.  In the first season he kept pushing this whole "let me show you how great life is!"  and how he's this great guy because he'll stay with her even though her life's a mess.  Now that the

Book Shae and TV Shae are both after money and security.  She's a survivalist so I'm sure her story will follow the same path.  Once Tyrion loses both she'll jump ship.

I think we're suppose to be okay with it since it's Karen and she's this hyper-sexual sociopath. 
It kind of makes it worse, since she's an evil whore it's funny Jody molesting her in her sleep woke her up.  I hope Jody goes away, what's left for his character?

It's also be nice if the female character didn't all have the exact same personality.

Him giving blowjobs would have made sense, but, I don't the writers wanted to go there.  Apparently they think gay men will line up and pay for dirty old man cock.

It falls into a gray area.  They have a consensual relationship.  She knows him and trust him.  She was clearly wasn't into what was going on and increasingly uncomfortable and then disgusted with the way he treated her.  Once she was on the bed, everything happend in what 1 minute? 2?  It's not a lot of time to

I always thought Steve was a hypocritic smug kid who liked playing poor. Now, I kind of feel sorry for him.  Since, Fiona thinks their relationship is going good, she's put him on the backburner and focusing on other problems.  She not only ignores his problems, but, briskly ackowledges what's currently going on in

I was thinking when they do the general autopsy.

Isn't a freshly cut off, glued over toe more obvious of foul play then ten toes total?

Isn't Kali big on destruction?  Wouldn't she be alright with the end of the world.
I still don't like "Hammer of the Gods".  Generally the gods need to be killed in some specific way (tree struck by lightening), but Lucifer just ripped of heads and such.  It makes the old gods (and Kali) seem lame compared to all

Emmy Rossum is fantastic as Fiona… but the problem with her constant issues with Frank (and Frank in general) is that he's never held responsible for anything.  It's getting to the point where really what does it matter that he called DCS? Stabbed Hymie with a thumb tact and didn't get his MMR shot? Slept with Karen?

I was a little confused about the familiar/witch thing to. So there were-humans who grow attached to witches similar to an animal liking  a person? 
And we're supposed to be surprised they have sex?

I don't think Fiona understand how upset he is, because her dad's been a gross fuck up (Ian is what 15 or 16) her entire life and she's digging up her dead aunt's body because it means her family won't go to jail in addition to her work being hell and feeling sorry for Debbie.

I have no sympathy for Steve.  He lied to Fiona about his family,upbringing, and name.  He got in trouble with the law and had to leave.  He marries some other woman.  He didn't give shit if Fiona was upset about any of that, he wanted to immediately get back together like nothing happened.  Even when she took him

I don't know what scene made me laugh harder Ron's words of wisdoms with an unconscious -but mobile- Joan or the Animal Control guy writing on his hand how to kill all the birds or anyone Leslie would like after he kills all the birds.

I thought it was a Wes Anderson movie until the trailer ended and I didn't see his name.

I liked the Thomas plot up until Robert's pro gay speech.  Robert's up in arms about his daughter writing for a newspaper and his granddaughter being raised Catholic that I doubt he'd no only be fine with being dressed by a gay guy but he'd also be decades ahead of the time in believing homosexuality is genetic.  I

Although I still don't get how they're going to have a kid when last season V said she had fertility issues and it was unlikely she'd get pregnant.  They said they were going to have an army of foster kids.
Maybe this is like Mandy's dad being the Schrodinger's Cat of pedophilia.