
I was waiting for Marnie to start laughing. I was laughing.  His line "'I'm a man and I know how to do stuff" made me think he's probably one of those people who likes to talk dirty during sex.. and is really bad at it.

As long as Klaus dies I'll be happy.  Seroiusly, all his character does is act smug or get hysterical, while making typical evil villian threats.  During his (way too long) monologue to Esther's corpse I kept expecting someone to dagger him or something.  I really don't need to hear anything speech from Klaus about

That was wonderful

In the book I assumed it was various types of torture that kept getting worse and worse.  I thought in the book it was mentioned or at least implied that the Tickler had them for a most of the day.

In the book Tyrion mused about taking Joffrey to a brothel, but it never happened.

I loved the pillow monster,

I think the thing that's been missing from 30 Rock is new ideas.  For example, in the Season 3 they had Liz try to reorganize her life, but then she gets called in Jury duty, has an eerie familiarity with the arsonist, nearly burns down her office with her coworkers inside, and is sad to see her new beginning (new

It's not as if he's not wrong in his assessment of the show.  I don't mind 30 Rock using the same ideas but at least try to do it in a different way.  Community reused the paintball and pillow fort idea, but each episode had something new for the characters.

They've said that if they get greenlight for a third season, the third book will be split up.  I'm assuming season 3 will end with the Red Wedding.

Elijah was upset about realizing they were a monsters.  So he went… somewhere…. to deal with that…. somehow….

If they're going to have character disapear for several (most of the season), then they at least need to mention who's gone.  I remember Tyler wanted to break his sire bond so he went….. somewhere….. do break the bond…. somehow….  I guess he went to Thailand to learn medication like Oz from "Buffy".  
Someone needs to

As much as I love Tyler's character.  Considering how long it's been since we've seen him, does it matter if he dies?

6. Why did Veronica leave?  I understand her taking Debbie away but… she's is a *nurse* it makes no sense to have her leave a medical emergency.  At the very least she should have taken Debbie into another room and then come back.

I loved the British Steve, who seemed to actually give a shit about Fiona's feelings and was remorseful for all his lying.
US Steve treats winning Fiona back as just some game he deserves to win  and she's his prize.  He treats her feelings about his lying as some minor annoyance.

Am I the only one who just nwo realized they switched actresses?  I honestly had no idea.

I don't think anything could be worst then last weeks episode.

I don't know if that one really counts.  She was with Angel for a few seasons, then he left.  Later, she started seeing Spike.  The Buffy/Angel/Spike triangle didn't come until the later seasons and was here and there.
Compared to Vampire Diaries obessive need to harp on the Elena/Stefan/Damon love triangle.  They

So the family saved 9,000 dollars just over the summer?  That's incredibly good for a low-income family.  But they brushed is off as not enough and Fiona says they're going to have to get winter jobs? $9000 in a couple of months is not a family struggling at the poverty line.

Between the love triangles of Stefan/Elena/Damon, Bill/Sookie/Erik, and Edward/Bella/And the werewolf guy…. I'm getting really tired of love triangles being a requirement for vampire fiction… especially when they're drawn out of *seasons/books*.   I will give VD credit in that I actually like Elena and I can kind of

I can't remember the episode titles, but, the episode last session when Lily was really possessive about her parents.