Man our Stan is a piece of shit. A lovable piece of shit but one all the same. If I were his brother I would have done a lot more than just deck him.
Man our Stan is a piece of shit. A lovable piece of shit but one all the same. If I were his brother I would have done a lot more than just deck him.
Not one person quoted the "Tammy" version from Bob's Burgers. I'm ashamed of you all.
She's Tammy, she's glammy, she's just a little hammy
If she sang a song right now she'd probably win a Grammy
You know who I'm talking of So why don't you all say mazel tov, Tammy, yeah.
I haven't seen it since the first time so I don't know if it holds up but it is on Amazon Prime. I know he said he would never work for MGM again after the shit they pulled over the course of making it. The second season premiere wraps up the first season story pretty masterfully from what I remember and the series…
the Grady girls aren't twins, the actresses are but the characters are not. In the movie it mentions they are two years apart.
Why yes I am a lot of fun at parties, why do you ask?
I bought and was reading issue 11 of Midnight Nation in the car while I was in Dallas visiting my boyfriend at the time and he returned to the car right as I had gotten to the part where SPOILER ALERT
The hero whose name I am afraid I can't remember right now gave Laurel his soul and I was bawling like a newborn like…
Its disgusting how attractive a couple they are. I knew that Victor was my kind of man when the cast wouldn't stop messing with him about his obvious crush on Rutger Hauer on an Ali@s commentary.
Let it be known that Rutger in his prime and for a damn long time after may be in my humble opinion the perfect looking…
I enjoyed this episode and it showed off what the show is capable of much better than the previous one. I look forward to the future of the series and its group of crazy characters.
Cindy's conversion was easily my favorite arc of the season. Seeing Suzanne find some happiness was probably my favorite thing overall. I'm glad they are coming back for a season four but the end of this one would have been a perfect series finale.
Pure magic from start to finish
Iwan Rheon looks like a real life elf and it sometimes distracts me when he is being all Ramsay like. A very sexy elf that makes me feel all confused when he is being all Ramsay like. Distracted and sexily confused, thank you very much Mr. Rheon.
No, Shel Silverstein wrote it, Cash is just the most famous version.
The gayest horror film ever and the perfect metaphor for being a closeted self hating gay, even at the end after they defeat Freddy (prove his heteroness) the coda reveals that Freddy is still there waiting (he's going to be hitting the rest stop bathrooms while being married in suburbia)
Viva la Vicki!
I have both version of the pilot somewhere and I enjoyed them both and should dig them out to watch all 3 again.
From memory the single episode version is pretty much all in the movie and there's a few scenes in the double length version that were not.
She definitely made me like him more.
I am not joking in the least. She may be my favorite minor character.
Fat Walda forever!
That's my theory, if he dies the mortal part of him goes and all that leaves is Rose who would obviously be changed from her time as her son… strange words I just typed.
I just assumed that Simon got bored or Daniel did something to piss him off but to my knowledge there is no official explanation.