She was Medusa in Dare to Be Truthful, and that is enough for me. Also I'd really like to watch Strip Mall again, even though it was not the best of shows.
She was Medusa in Dare to Be Truthful, and that is enough for me. Also I'd really like to watch Strip Mall again, even though it was not the best of shows.
I agree completely
Its neither here nor there but Enver would kick ass as the Midnighter in an Authority movie or a Stormwatch series!
This only makes me a little sad because I had hopes Enver was going to land an actual super hero role, even if its just on one of the Netflix shows.
Ain't that the truth of it
or I'm a gay man making a 30 Rock quote, whichever
Jinora getting her ink made me cry like a big dumb homo.
I can believe it, Gibbons seems to bring good things out of those he works with.
It seems to me at the point of writing it he still feared the very things he was soon to become
Its hard for me to understand the Frank Miller that wrote "Give Me Liberty" and created the fantastic Martha Washington is the same guy who has done nearly everything else he's done. Its my dream to make a movie of "Give Me Liberty" but man I would want to have no contact with Miller if I was ever blessed enough to…
This film is a favorite of mine and I watch it at least twice a year. Hated the twist so much on my first viewing, not for what it did but for what it took a way. I really liked this hardcore lesbian hero and I was sad to lose that.
Muse' New Born is used perfectly in the film
Thanks for sharing the link.
I was supposed to watch the first two episodes of Utopia's second series but this is where the time will be going instead.
A classy broad like they don't make anymore, indeed!
This season has not been the best for Kenya writing wise but I guess its good they remembered she still existed.
I rewatched and her body is in front of the truck Eric is eating Rosie in
So both black lady characters were killed off screen, poor Kenya
Its easily my favorite thing by him and its so the opposite politically of who he would become to read it and then to try and follow with his anti Taliban Batman/not-Batman book its hard to believe its the same guy
Hey, Andrew McCarthy was one of my first crushes as a kid. Along with Bubba from In the Heat of the Night, the football playing love interest in Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and Tackleberry from the Police Academy movies.
This one may be the most wonderful death open the show has done!
Love Gay of Thrones and loved the ending. With the way last years ended I didn't think it would come back and then yesterday I found out it did so I marathoned the whole thing and yeah this was the best!
John Waters films, especially Polyester and before. Stalker is my pretentious answer.